Friday, February 27, 2015

April 2015 Meeting Packet

April 2015 Meeting Agenda

1.  January Meeting Summary

2.  MC PBTSAC Motion Tracking Report

3.  Discussion: Update on Bill 3-15

4.  Letter Response MCDOT/MCDPS

5.  Discussion: Development of a Pedestrian Master Plan vs. Guidance

6 . Blue Ribbon Panel Report and Recommendations

7.  Pedestrian Safety Initiative Strategic Plan

8.  PBTSAC Annual Report

9.  Free Range Children

10. MCDOT Endorses NACTO Bikeway Design Guide

Montgomery County Greenfest

Saturday, March 28th
11:00am - 4:00pm
Montgomery Collage Takoma Park/Silver Spring and Jesup Blair Local Park.For more information visit: 

* The PBTSAC meetings are held the first Thursday of every other month.

** Meetings will be held in the Executive Office Building (EOB) 9th floor conference room, located at:   101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland 20850.  Click on the screenshot below for a printable map of parking locations.  

  Rockville Map of Parking