January Agenda
1. November Meeting Summary
2. Bicycle and Pedestrian Priority CIP Description Form
3. County_Code_33-13_County_Action_Packet
4. MC_PBTSAC_Motion Tracking Grid
5. Draft Annual PBTSAC Report
6. Review of 2002 Blue Ribbon Panel Report and Pedestrian Safety Initiative Strategic Plan (Copies provided online only):
Blue Ribbon Panel Report and Recommendations
Pedestrian Safety Initiative Strategic Plan
7. PBTSAC MoCo Code 45-81 12-14
8. Recent Press Releases:
9. Meeting Handouts:
* The PBTSAC meetings are held the first Thursday of every other month.
** Meetings will be held in the Executive Office Building (EOB) 9th floor conference room, located at 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland 20850.
Click on the screenshot below for a printable map of parking locations.